Wednesday, 6 April 2022

7 एप्रिल 2022 चालू घडामोडी

1. अलीकडेच चांदीपूर, ओडिशा येथे "MRSAM" क्षेपणास्त्राची यशस्वी चाचणी कोणी केली?
(अ) इस्रो
(ब) DRDO
(सी) स्पेस एक्स
(डी) नासा
उत्तर: (B) DRDO

2. कोणत्या शहरात BRBNMPL च्या लर्निंग अँड डेव्हलपमेंट सेंटरची पायाभरणी RBI गव्हर्नर, शक्तीकांत दास यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आली?
(अ) पुणे
(ब) चेन्नई
(C) मुंबई
(ड) म्हैसूर
उत्तर: (डी) म्हैसूर

भारतीय नौदलाच्या कोणत्या नौदल कमांडने अलीकडेच "प्रस्थान" हा सुरक्षा सराव कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला आहे?
(A) पूर्व नौदल कमांड
(ब) वेस्टर्न नेव्हल कमांड
(C) नॉर्दर्न नेव्हल कमांड
(डी) दक्षिणी नौदल कमांड
उत्तर: (B) वेस्टर्न नेव्हल कमांड

4. युरोपियन युनियन आणि कोणत्या देशाने अलीकडे डेटा ट्रान्सफर ट्रीटीला मान्यता दिली आहे?
(अ) जपान
(ब) रशिया
(C) अमेरिका
(डी) ऑस्ट्रेलिया
उत्तर: (C) अमेरिका

युनायटेड स्टेट्स आणि कोणत्या देशाच्या सैन्याने अलीकडेच बालिकतन 2022 हा लष्करी सराव सुरू केला आहे?
(अ) फ्रान्स
(ब) रशिया
(C) ऑस्ट्रेलिया
(डी) फिलीपिन्स
उत्तर: (डी) फिलीपिन्स

कोणत्या यूएस कुरिअर सेवा कंपनीने भारतीय वंशाचे राज सुब्रमण्यम यांची पुढील सीईओ म्हणून नियुक्ती जाहीर केली आहे?
(अ) अग्रवाल पॅकर्स
(ब) FedEx
(डी) युनायटेड पार्सल सेवा
उत्तर: (B) FedEx

7. पेमेंट सिस्टम टच पॉइंट्सच्या जिओ-टॅगिंगसाठी फ्रेमवर्क खालीलपैकी कोणत्याद्वारे जारी केले गेले आहे?
(अ) अर्थ मंत्रालय
(ब) नीती आयोग
(C) नियोजन आयोग
(D) रिझर्व्ह बँक ऑफ इंडिया
उत्तर: (D) रिझर्व्ह बँक ऑफ इंडिया

8. अलीकडेच सौदी अरेबिया ग्रँड प्रिक्सची दुसरी आवृत्ती किती जणांनी जिंकली?
(अ) चार्ल्स लेक्लेर्क
(ब) मॅक्स वर्स्टॅपेन
(C) कार्लोस सेन्झ ज्युनियर
(डी) लुईस हॅमिल्टन
उत्तरः (ब) मॅक्स वर्स्टॅपेन

9. 2022 च्या सार्वत्रिक निवडणुकीत सत्ताधारी मजूर पक्षाच्या विजयानंतर रॉबर्ट अबेला यांनी कोणत्या देशाचे पंतप्रधान म्हणून शपथ घेतली?
(अ) चीन
(ब) मालदीव
(C) अर्जेंटिना
(ड) माल्टा
उत्तर: (डी) माल्टा

10. अलीकडेच TIME100 इम्पॅक्ट अवॉर्ड्सच्या यादीत खालीलपैकी कोणत्या अभिनेत्रीचा समावेश करण्यात आला आहे?
(अ) दिया मिर्झा
(ब) कतरिना कैफ
(C) दीपिका पदुकोण
(ड) दिव्या खोसला
उत्तर: (C) दीपिका पदुकोण


सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए

प्रश्‍न 1. हीराकुंड बांध किस नदी पर बनाया गया है ?
उत्तर – महानदी

प्रश्‍न 2. दिल्ली स्थित जामा मस्जिद किसने बनवाई ?
उत्तर – शाहजहाँ

प्रश्‍न 3. शांतिकाल का सर्वोच्च सैन्य पुरस्कार कौन-सा है ?
उत्तर – अशोक चक्र

प्रश्‍न 4. राष्ट्रीय डेयरी अनुसंधान संस्थान कहाँ स्थित है ?
उत्तर – करनाल (हरियाणा)

प्रश्‍न 5. भगवान बुद्ध द्वारा सारनाथ में दिया गया पहला प्रवचन बौद्ध धर्म में क्या कहलाता है ?
उत्तर – धर्मचक्रप्रवर्तन

प्रश्‍न 6. वायुसेना दिवस कब मनाया जाता है ?
उत्तर – 8 अक्टूबर

प्रश्‍न 7. 1526, 1556 और 1761 के तीन ऐतिहासिक युद्ध किस नगर में हुए ?
उत्तर – पानीपत (हरियाणा)

प्रश्‍न 8. हाल ही में किस राज्य से अलग करके तेलंगाना राज्य बनाया गया है ?
उत्तर – आंध्रप्रदेश

प्रश्‍न 9. भारत के पश्चिमी तट पर कौन-सा सागर है ?
उत्तर – अरब सागर

प्रश्‍न 10. UNESCO (यूनेस्को) का मुख्यालय कहाँ है ?
उत्तर – पेरिस (फ्रांस)

प्रश्‍न 11. ‘पैनल्टी कार्नर’ का संबंध किस खेल से है ?
उत्तर – हॉकी

प्रश्‍न 12. उत्तरी भारत में सर्दियों में वर्षा का कारण क्या है ?
उत्तर – पश्चिमी विक्षोभ

प्रश्‍न 13. देवधर ट्राफी का संबंध किस खेल से है ?
उत्तर – क्रिकेट

प्रश्‍न 14. रूस की मुद्रा कौन-सी है ?
उत्तर – रूबल (₽)

प्रश्‍न 15. सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता की प्रसिद्ध बंदरगाह कौन-सी थी ?
उत्तर – लोथल

प्रश्‍न 16. जैन धर्म के प्रथम तीर्थंकर कौन थे ?
उत्तर – ऋषभदेव

प्रश्‍न 17. गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म कहाँ हुआ ?
उत्तर – लुम्बिनी जो नेपाल में है।

प्रश्‍न 18. भगवान महावीर जैन धर्म के कौन से तीर्थंकर थे ?
उत्तर – 24वें

प्रश्‍न 19. भारत की पहली महिला राष्ट्रपति कौन है ?
उत्तर – प्रतिभा पाटिल

प्रश्‍न 20. कटक किस नदी पर बसा है ?
उत्तर – महानदी


1. A.B.C.: Basic knowledge
I don't know the A.B.C of cooking/driving/swimming.

2. An apple of discord: Root cause or anything
Kashmir is an apple of discord between India and Pakistan.

3. A bone of contention: A root cause of anything
Kashmir is a bone of contention between India and Pakistan.

4. Bread and butter: Livelihood
It is very difficult to earn bread and butter these days.

5. Chips of the same block: Of the same rank
All the leaders are the chips of the same block.

6. By hook or by crook: By all means
I have to arrange Rs1,00,000 till evening by hook or by crook

7. In hot water-: In trouble
I am in hot water these days.

8. Once in a blue moon: Very often.
He smokes once in a blue moon.

9. End in smoke: To fail fail
All his schemes ended in smoke.

10. Sailing in the same boat: In the same condition
We are sailing In the same boat.

11. In the evening of life: Old age
My grandfather is in an evening of his life.

12. Breadwinner: Who earns money
Who Is the breadwinner in your family?

13. In the good books: Having a good reputation
He is in the good books of his teachers these days.

14. In the bad books: Having a bad reputation
He is in the bad books of his parents these days.

15. A snake In the grass: Hidden enemy
My friend is not a friend but a snake in the grass.

16. Capital Punishment: Death punishment
The murderer was given capital punishment.

Rain cats and dogs-: Raining heavily
it is raining cats and dogs outside.

17. Let the cat out of the bag:  To tell the secret carelessly
I wanted to surprise everyone but my brother let the cat out of the bag.

18. Pick hole: Find faults with
He has the habit of picking holes in others

19. A child's play: Easy task
It is not a child's play to get 90% in board exams.

20. An uphill task: Difficult task
It is an uphill task for Pakistan to win the world cup.

Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

✍🏻Sleep like a log
👉🏻Sleep very deeply, sleep very well

✍🏻Sell like hotcakes
👉🏻Sell very well, very quickly

✍🏻Like a fish out of water
👉🏻Completely out of place, not belonging at all

✍🏻Feel like a million
👉🏻Feel very happy

✍🏻Like a bump on a log
👉🏻Do not react in a useful of helpful way to the activities around them

✍🏻Read someone like a book
👉🏻Know exactly someone’s thinking or feelings without having to ask

✍🏻Watch someone like a Hawk
👉🏻Watch someone very carefully, especially because you expect them to do something wrong

✍🏻Fit like a glove
👉🏻It fits exactly

✍🏻Eat like a bird
👉🏻Eat only small amount of food

✍🏻Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand
👉🏻Know very well, in every detail

Teacher: Paul, what is the chemical formula of water?
Paul: H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O
Teacher: What is this?
Paul: Well, you said it is H2O!


Teacher : Mike, get up! How can you sleep in my class? 
Mike : I can Mr, if you keep your voice down. 

Teacher : Where does God live? 
Little boy : I think he lives in our bathroom. 
Teacher: Why do you say that? 
Little boy: Well, every morning my daddy bangs on the door and says, 'God, are you still in there?' 

Teacher: "Annie! stop showing off! Do you think you are the teacher of this class?"
Annie: "No, Miss."
Teacher: "Then stop acting like a fool!" 

Pupil: "Sir, Would you mind e-mailing my exam results to my parents?" 
Teacher: "But your parents don't have a computer." 
Pupil: "Exactly!" 


A student to his teacher: "I haven't got no pencil." 
Teacher, correcting him: "You don't have any pencil. He doesn't have any pencils. We don't have any pencils."
Student, with a look of astonishment: "Where have all the pencils gone?"


Teacher to girl: "Why are you late?"
Girl: "I started late from home".
Teacher: "Why didn't you start early?"
Girl: "By the time I woke up, it was too late to start early"

Teacher to the student: Why are you tearing up your homework copy?
Student: To keep the elephants away. 
Teacher: But there are no elephants here. 
Student: See how effective it is!

Teacher: You weren't at school last Friday, Robert. I heard you were at the movie theatre. 
Robert: That's not true, sir. And I've got the tickets from the football game to prove it.

Transition Word List. & Advanced Passive Voice

🔰Transition Word List🔰

✍🏻Words to Show Contrast
in contrast
in comparison

✍🏻Words to add to an idea

as well as
in addition

✍🏻Words that show consequence

as a result
due to
for this reason

✍🏻Words that add emphasis

above all
as a rule
as usual
generally speaking
of course

🔰Words When Citing Examples🔰

for one thing
in particular (particularly)
as an illustration
this can be seen in
for/as an example
illustrated with/by
such as
for instance
in this case
 🔰Words to Order Events and Sequence Time🔰

first... second... third...
with this in mind
in turn
generally... furthermore... finally
for now
later on
in the first place... also... lastly
to be sure... additionally... lastly
in the meantime
first... just in the same way... finally
for the time being
basically... similarly... as well as
first of all
the next step
to begin with
in conclusion
at first
in the first place
in time


after all
in any event
in other words
on balance
all in all
in brief
in short
that is (that is to say)
all things considered
in conclusion
in brief
in essence
in summary
to put it differently
by and large
in the final analysis
to sum up
on the whole
in the long run
to summarize

✅Advanced Passive Voice:

👉🏻It Is Said That / He Is Said To (be) Supposed To..

✅“Main clause + noun clause” can be made passive in two ways.


✅Active:People say that he lives abroad now.

✅Passive: It’s said that he lives abroad now.

✅Passive :He is said to live abroad now.

🔰Present "Be"🔰

✅Active: They say (that) the man is a thief.

✅Passive : It’s said that the man is a thief.

✅Passive : The man is said to be a thief.

🔰Simple Present Noun Clause🔰

✅Active: We understand that he dislikes children.

✅Passive : It’s understood that he dislikes children.

✅Passive : He is understood to dislike children.

🔰Past "Be"🔰

✅Active: They say that he was very rich in the past.

✅Passive : It’s said that he was rich in the past.

✅Passive : He is said to have been very rich in the past.

🔰Simple Past Noun Clause🔰

✅Active: People claim that he left the country two months ago.

✅Passive : It’s claimed that he left the country two months ago.

✅Passive : He is claimed to have left the country two months ago..


Most commonly used verbs & Verbs → Informal & Formal

Meaning:(in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death
Synonym:damnation, eternal punishment;
Sentence:"she used her last banknote to buy herself a square meal before perdition"

Meaning:a piece of jewellery that hangs from a chain worn round the neck., 
Synonym:locket, medallion, drop, stone;
Sentence:"a jade-green pendant on a gold chain"

Meaning:expressing contempt or disapproval.
Synonym:disparaging, derogatory, denigratory, deprecatory, 
Antonym:complimentary, approbatory
Sentence:"permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term"

Meaning:punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing
Synonym:atonement, expiation, self-punishment
Sentence:"he had done public penance for those hasty words"

Meaning: showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Synonym: cowardly, recreant, spineless, unheroic
Antonym: audacious, bold, brazen,
Sentence: pusillanimous politicians who vote according to whichever way the political wind is blowing

4. Lacklustre
Meaning: lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.
Synonym: unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless
Antonym: inspired, brilliant
Sentence: "no excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance"

Meaning: a person who sells or deals in particular goods
Synonym: seller, vendor, trader, retailer, supplier
Sentence: "a purveyor of large luxury vehicles"

Meaning: a person or thing that is essential to the success of an organization or operation.
Synonym: bigwig,
Antonym: inferior, subordinate, underling; mediocrity,
Sentence: "the kingpins of the television industry

7. Slander
Meaning: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
Synonym: besmirch, tarnish, taint, misrepresent
Sentence: "he is suing the TV company for slander"

8. Ameliorate
Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
Synonym: improve, amend, better, enhance, enrich
Antonym: damage, endamage, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, tarnish, vitiate
Sentence: "the reform did much to ameliorate living standards

Meaning: (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.
Synonym: brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical,
Antonym: verbose, long-winded, loquacious
Sentence: "his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic"

Meaning: inflicting or intended as punishment.
Synonym: penal, disciplinary, corrective, 
Antonym: exonerating, condoning, pardoning
Sentence: "he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc"

🔰Verbs → Informal & Formal🔰

say sorry ➖ apologize, apologise
go up ➖ increase
go down ➖ decrease
set up ➖ establish
look at ➖ examine
blow up ➖ explode
find out ➖ discover
bring about ➖ cause
put off ➖ postpone, delay
rack up ➖ accumulate
make up ➖ fabricate
stand for ➖ represent
find out ➖ discover, ascertain
leave out ➖ omit
point out ➖ indicate
go against ➖ oppose
get in touch with ➖ contact
It’s about ➖ It concerns, It’s in regards to
need to ➖ required
think about ➖ consider
get ➖ obtain
put up ➖ tolerate
deal with ➖ handle
seem ➖ appear
show ➖ demonstrate, illustrate, portray
start ➖ commence
keep ➖ retain
free ➖ release
get on someone’s nerves ➖ bother
ring up ➖ call
show up ➖ arrive
let ➖ permit
fill in ➖ substitute, inform
block ➖ undermine
give the go ahead, greenlight ➖ authorize, authorise

🔰Most commonly used verbs🔰

He asked her to marry him, and she accepted

Don't allow your children to raise their voice

If you don't know the answer, ask your friend

I believe that most students don't like reading

I went to the library to borrow some books

The boy broke his leg whan he fell down

Bring your notebooks with you next time

I don't have enough money to buy a new car

👉🏻9-can/be able
Sami can (is able to) speak English for five minutes

The meeting was cancelled because I didn't come

My chair was broken, so I changed it

Your room is very nice. You clean it everyday

The girl combed her hair quickly, and went out

The workers complained about the shore of food

He has got cold. He coughs a lot

No one can count the stars of the sky

This cloth is large. Cut it into two parts

In the party, we had dinner, listened to music, and danced

The child is able to draw a beautiful picture

I am thirsty. I think I want something to drink

It is a good thing to drive slowly on the curved roads

I am hungry. I think I want something to eat

I didn't understand your idea. Could you explain more

Tree leaves fall in the autumn season

We are travelling to a far place. We need to fill the tank

My brother and I like playing computer games

I searched for my keys everywhere, but didn't find them

After you finish reading, turn off the lights of the room

My computer printer doesn't work. I will have it fixed

The new suit fits the color of my shoes

Most birds can fly to very high distances

I can't remember your name. I forgot it

I need a paper. Give me one, please

Students go to school every morning

I have three books, three pens, and a ruler

Raise your voice. I can not hear you clearly

My lungs hurt me whenever I cough

Do you know where my brother went

I like English. So, I want to learn it

Don't leave the class until you finish writing the exercise

I don't like listening to music in my room

I live in Saudi Arabia, while John lives in the USA

Look at the picture to find the bird

The football team lost three games and won four

I made some mistakes when I did the exercise

I am busy now. I need another person to help me

When the class door is closed, don't open it

It is too cold here. Would you please close/shut the window

The room is untidy. You should organize your things

You have to pay $10 for the ticket to watch the game

Fewer or Less & meaning

✍🏻The rules:

✔️“Fewer” refers to items you can count individually.

✔️“Less” refers to a commodity, such as sand or water, that you can’t count individually.

✍🏻How not to do it:

👉🏻There are less cakes now

👉🏻Ten items or less

✍🏻How to do it properly:

👉🏻There are fewer cakes now

👉🏻Ten items or fewer

👉🏻Less sand

👉🏻Fewer grains of sand


have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy


take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature


do business
do nothing
do someone a favour
do the cooking
do the housework
do the shopping
do your best
do your hair
do your homework
do the dishes
do the laundry 


get a job
get a shock
get angry
get divorced
get drunk
get frightened
get home
get lost
get married
get nowhere
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get upset
get wet
get worried.



Embellish:सुशोभित करणे
Replete: पूर्ण भरलेला
Overwhelm:दडपून टाकणे
Jeer:चिडने ,उपहास करणे
Mock:उपहास करणे
Oblige:उपकृत करणे
Swag: लूट, चोरीचा माल
Booty:लूटलेला माल
Sunder:सौम्य करणे
Emboss: उठवाचे काम करणे
Illuminantion:प्रकाश ,लखलखाट
Conterminous:समीप , एकाच सीमा असलेला
Incorporate:अंतर्भूत करने , एकत्र करणे
Interpretation:अर्थ लावणे
Whosoever:जो कोणी
Longing:उत्कट इच्छा
Induce:प्रेरित करणे
Nevertheless:असे असले तरी
Blackest:सर्वात लहान
Solvency:शोधन क्षमता
Millenium:एक हजार वर्षे
Liberate:मुक्त करा
Cure-all:सर्व रोगावर ईलाज
Conceding- स्विकारणे;
Diverging-विभक्त होणे;
Walk out-बाहेर चालणे बाहेर निघणे
Multilateral- बहुपक्षीय-
Inevitable- अपरिहार्य-
Insistence- आग्रह
Defence procurement- संरक्षण खरेदी                                                             Envoy-   प्रातिनिधिक दूत;                                   Rotation- परिभ्रमण
Turn away- दूर राहणे
At variance with- सह भिन्नता
Negotiating- वाटाघाटी-
Kicking in-लात मारणे
Façade- इमारतीचा प्रथम दर्शनी भाग
Dragged down- खाली आणणे
Respiratory - श्वसनविषयक -
Ad hoc-  तात्कालीक
Eloping-  प्रियकरासोबत पळून जाणे
Furnish- पुरवणे; पुरवठा
Abetment- गुन्ह्याला मदत;साथ
Scrub- घासणे
Defamed- कलंकित
Heed- लक्ष देणे; दखल;
Ailing- आजारी; रोगग्रस्त;
Emblem- प्रतिक; बोधक
Resumption- पुनरारंभ;
Détent गतिरोधक ,यंत्रातील अटक
Heft- दणकट ,शक्तिशाली
Consternation- भीतीयुक्त आश्चर्य
Impetus- उत्तेजन; चालना; प्रेरणा;
Snoop-नसत्या चैाकश्या करणे;
Vantage- फायदा; सोय;
Overtures- आच्छादन
Votary- कैवारी;  निस्सीम भक्त;
Ambitious- महत्वकांक्षी
Whereby- ज्यायोगे
Linearity- प्रस्तुतीकरण; रेषीयता;
subtlety -गूढता; मार्मिकता; लबाडी; मेख;

Most Common Mistakes in English & 8 REALLY USEFUL PHRASAL VERBS

  Superfluous Expression

Knowledge of superfluous expressions is very important because it can come in handy, while spotting the errors. Knowledge of this topic can fetch 8-10 marks in SSC(pre+main) examination. So, let's begin.

1. 'Cousin brother'/ 'Cousin sister': Cousin itself means the child of your aunt or uncle, who can be a girl or a boy. Hence, it's wrong to say 'cousin brother'/'cousin sister', and instead we should only say cousin.


Incorrect : She is my cousin sister who is doing MBA from IIMA.
Correct : She is my cousin who is doing MBA from IIMA.

2. 'Consensus opinion': Here the opinion should be omitted. 'consensus' means collective opinion or agreement in a judgement reached by a group as a whole. Hence, we should only use consensus.

Incorrect : We are waiting for the members to share their consensus opinion.

Correct : We are waiting for the members to share their consensus.

3. 'Final conclusion': The usage of final is absurd here. We should only use conclusion.


Incorrect : What's​ the final conclusion of business deal between Sony and LG?

Correct : What's​ the conclusion of business deal between Sony and LG?

4. 'Funeral service': Here, the usage of service is unwanted. Funeral is itself a ceremony and service. Hence, service should not be used.


Incorrect: Thousands of people attended the funeral service of Micheal Jackson.

Correct : Thousands of people attended the funeral of Micheal Jackson.

5. 'Kindly requested': The usage of kindly is redundant here. Use only requested instead.


Incorrect : You are kindly requested to help her.

Correct : You are requested to help her.

6. 'Supposing if': If is not needed with supposing. It's a wrong usage. Use only supposing.

7. 'Suppose if': Here, the usage of 'if' with 'suppose' is superfluous. Both of the sign condition. Hence, either 'suppose' or 'if' should be used.


Incorrect : Suppose if you won the Oscar, what would you do?

Correct : Suppose you won the Oscar, what would you do?

8. 'During the period of war' : Both the expression are wrong. Instead, you should say- during the war.


Incorrect : She lived in Delhi, during the winter period.

Correct : She lived in Delhi, during the winter.

9. 'Return back': The usage of 'back' is not accepted with return. Hence, As 'return' itself means come back, as to a former place, position or state. Hence, usage of back is superfluous.


Incorrect : He returned back from the US yesterday.

Correct : He returned  from the US yesterday.

10. 'Reimburse back': 'Back' won't be used with 'reimburse'. We use reimburse only.


Incorrect : The insurance company reimbursed back him for his losses in the fire.

Correct : The insurance company reimbursed him for his losses in the fire.

11. 'Retreat back': Again 'back' won't be used here. 'Retreat' itself means – to withdraw, retire etc. We use only retreat.


Incorrect : The army retreated back from the conflict zone in Kashmir.

Correct : The army retreated from the conflict zone in Kashmir.

12. 'Recede back': Here also, 'back' should not be used with 'recede'. As, recede itself means to go back or move away. Hence, we use only recede.


Incorrect : The flood waters receded back from the town.

Correct: The flood waters receded from the town.

13. 'Recall back': 'Back' won't be used with 'recall'. We use only recall.

E.g. Can you recall what she said?

14. 'Repeat back': 'Back' should not be used with 'repeat'. Use only repeat instead

E.g. please, don't repeat the mistake.

15. Usage of 'again' after stone verbs:Never use 'again' after verbs like – Rebirth/Reborn/rebuild/regain/reiterate/recast etc.


Incorrect : The sage was reborn again in Vijayanagara​.

Correct : The sage was reborn in Vijayanagara​.

16. 'Equally as good as': The usage of 'as' should strictly be discarded. Use only 'equally' or 'as good as' separately.


1️⃣  Call off
If you “call something off ”, you cancel it.
He called the meeting off because three members of staff were sick.
If you “call off ” something that is already happening, you decide to stop it.
After six days, they called off the search for the missing crew members.

2️⃣  Come up with
If you “come up with” an idea, you think of it.
They came up with a solution to the problem.
If you “come up with” something, you produce or provide it to other people who want or need it.
If we don’t come up with the money by 6pm, they said they’d call the police.

3️⃣ End up
If you “end up” in a particular place, you are in that place
in the end.
After the party, everyone ended up at Paul’s house.
If you “end up” doing something, you do that thing in the end. 
After six years travelling around the world, I ended up  working in my hometown.

4️⃣ Fall apart
If something “falls apart”, it breaks into different parts, often in a sudden and unexpected way,
The model plane fell apart in my hand as I was trying to fix it.
If someone “falls apart” emotionally, they are unable to live in a normal way because they’re suffering from a lot
of emotional pain
She completely fell apart after coming back from the war zone.

5️⃣ Carry on
If you “carry on” walking in the same direction, you continue walking in that direction.
Carry on down the street for about 100 metres, then take the first turning on the right.
If you “carry on” something that someone else started, you continue working on it after the other person has stopped.
He carried on running the restaurant after his parents retired.

6️⃣ Get away
If you “get away”, you go somewhere, often for a short holiday.
I can’t wait to get away for a few days. I could really do with a rest.
If robbers (for example) “get away” with a crime, they aren’t caught or punished for it.
They stole over six million euros and never got caught.  I can’t understand how they ever got away with it!

7️⃣ Hold on
If you “hold on” to something, you keep your hands on it and don’t let go.
Hold on to the rope or you might fall!
If you “hold on” to something, you keep that thing and don’t lose it.
Despite the very poor sales results, she managed to hold on to her job at the company.
If you ask someone to “hold on” when you’re speaking on the phone, you ask them to wait while you connect
them to another number. You could also ask them to hold the line.
Please hold on while I put you through to Ms Jenkins.

8️⃣  Get  over
If you “get over” a problem, you stop being affected by it.
He’s going to do a course to help him get over his fear of flying.
If you “get over” a bad experience, you stop feeling sad about it or being affected by it.
He soon got over the divorce after he started dating Michelle.
If you “get over” an illness, you become healthy again.
It took me more than a week to get over that cold – it was terrible.

Daily Vocabulary

1. BLIGHT (VERB): destroy
Synonyms: decay, spoil
Antonyms: mend, repair
Example Sentence:  Air blights iron because of oxidation.

2. TRIGGER (VERB): cause to happen
Synonyms: generate, prompt
Antonyms: halt, prevent
Example Sentence:  He triggered a lot of problems because of his approach.

3. TURMOIL (NOUN): disorder
Synonyms: anxiety, confusion
Antonyms: calmness, tranquility
Example Sentence: They faced a lot of turmoil in the country.

4. LAG (VERB): delay
Synonyms: wane, dillydally
Antonyms: hasten, rush
Example Sentence: A lot of lag was caused due to technical glitches.

Synonyms: elastic, supple
Antonyms: rigid, inflexible
Example Sentence:  The resilient dancer was able to pull off all the difficult steps.


One word substitution:

1. Study of earth?
*Ans: Geology*
2: Study of living things?
*Ans: Biology*
3: Study living language?
*Ans: Philology*
4: Study of bees?
*Ans: Apiology*
5: Study of heart?
*Ans: Cardiology*
6. Study of dog?
*Ans: Cynology*
7. Study of trees?
*Ans: Dendrology*
8. Study of religion?
*Ans: Theology*
9. Study of heredity?
*Ans: Genetics*
10: Study of coins?
*Ans: Numismatics*
11. Study of birds?
*Ans: Ornithology*
12. Study of human development?
*Ans: Anthropology*
13. Study of science of insects?
*Ans: Etymology*
14. Study of problems of age?
*Ans: Gerontology*
15. Study of relation between organisms and environment?
*Ans: Ecology*
16. Study of flying aeroplans?
*Ans: Aviation*
17. Study of horses?
*Ans: Hippology*
18. Study of water?
*Ans: Hyarology*
19. Study of weather?
*Ans: Meteorology*
20. Study of cancer?
*Ans: Oncoloy*
21. Study of eyes?
*Ans: Ophthalmology*
22. Study of bones?
*Ans: Osteology*
23. Study of rocks?
*Ans: Petrology*
24. Study of earthquake?
*Ans: Seismology*

दैनंदिन 70 "इंग्रजी सुविचार " मराठी अर्थासहीत

*1. Knowledge is power.* (ज्ञान ही खरी शक्ती आहे.)
*2. Work is worship.* (कर्म हीच पूजा आहे.)
*3. Health is wealth.* (चांगले आरोग्य हीच खरी संपत्ती आहे.)
*4. Time is money.* (वेळ मूल्यवान आहे,त्याचा योग्य वापर करा.)
*5. Haste makes waste.* (घाईने कामात चुका होतात.)
*6. Character is destiny.* (माणसाचे भवितव्य त्याच्या चारित्र्यावर अवलंबून असते.)
*7. Exuberance is Beauty.* (चेहऱ्यावरील उत्साह/प्रसन्नता ही खरी सुंदरता होय.)
*8. Practice makes man perfect.* (सरावाने मनुष्यास कुशलता प्राप्त होते.)
*9. Confidence is a key to success.* (आत्मविश्वास ही यशाची गुरूकिल्ली आहे.)
*10. Sound mind in sound body.* (निरोगी शरीरातच निरोगी मन वास करते.)
*11. Experience is the best teacher.* (अनुभव हा सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुरू आहे.)
*12. Never have a resistance to change.* (चांगल्या बदलाला कधीही नाकारू नये.)
*13. No pains, no gains.* (त्रास सहन केल्याशिवाय काहीही मिळत नाही.)
*14. Hope is walking dream.* (आशा हे जागेपणीचे स्वप्न आहे.)
*15. Charity begins at home.* (सेवाभाव/परोपकाराची सुरुवात घरापासून होते.)
*16. Fortune favours the brave.* (धाडसी लोकांना नशीबही साथ देते./चालणाऱ्याचे नशीबही चालते.)
*17. Well beginning is the half done.* (चांगली सुरूवात म्हणजे अर्धे काम झाल्यासारखे आहे.)
*18. Positive attitude creates positive peoples.* (सकारात्मक विचार सकारात्मक लोकांची/समाजाची निर्मिती करते.)
*19. Good things happens to good peoples.* (चागल्या लोकांसोबत चांगल्याच गोष्टी घडतात.)
*20. To teach is to learn twice.* (दुसऱ्याला एखादी गोष्ट समजून सांगणे हे ती गोष्ट दोनदा शिकण्यासारखे आहे.)
*21. No wisdoms like silence.* (शांत राहण्यासारखे दुसरे शहाणपण कोणतेही नाही.)
*22. Difficulty is a severe instructor.* (आलेली समस्या खूप चांगली प्रशिक्षक असते./आलेली समस्या खूप सारे शिकवून जाते.)
*23. Good luck never comes late.* (चांगले नशीब कधीच उशीरा येत नाही.)
*24. Delay in justice is injustice.* (उशीरा दिलेला न्याय हा अन्यायासारखाच असतो.)
*25. Actions speaks louder than words.* (कृती ही शब्दांपेक्षा/गोष्टी हाकण्यापेक्षा जास्त सांगून जाते.)
*26. Progress is the law of life.* (पुढे चालत राहणे हाच जीवनाचा नियम आहे./चलना जीनेका नाम है।)
*27. A good deed is never lost.* (चांगले कार्य कधीच वाया/विसरले जात नाही.)
*28. Failure is the first step of success.* (अपयश ही यशाची पहिली पायरी आहे.)
*29. More you struggle, more you become strong.* (तुम्ही जेवढा अधीक संघर्ष करता, तेवढे तुम्ही अधीक मजबूत/कनखर बनता.)
*30. Every man is the creature of his own fortune.* (प्रत्येक मनुष्य आपल्या स्वतःच्या भाग्याचा निर्माता आहे.)
*31. Good handwriting is the mirror of good learning.* (चांगले हस्ताक्षर हा चांगल्या शिक्षणाचा आरसा आहे.)
*32. Slow but steady can win the race.* (हळूवार पण सातत्याने तुम्ही प्रगती केली तर तुम्ही जिंकू शकता.)
*33. A friend in neef is a friend indeed.* (गरजेच्या वेळी जो उपयोगी पडतो तोच खरा मित्र.)
*34. Where there is  will there is way.* (ईच्छा असेल तिथे मार्ग असतो.)
*35. Change your thought and you will change your world.* (तुमचे विचार बदलवा आणि तुमचे जग आपोआप बदलेल.)
*36. A journey of thousand miles begins with a first step.* (हजारो मैलांचा प्रवास पहीले पाऊल पुढे टाकल्यानेच सुरू होतो.)
*37. He that burns most, shines most.* (जो जास्त जळतो, तोच जास्त चमकतो.)
*38. Patience is a plaster for all sores.* (संयम/सबुरी हा सर्व दुःखावरील इलाज आहे.)
*39. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.* (जे कधीच चुकत नाही ते सहसा काहीच करत नाही.)
*40. The pen is mightier than sword.* (लेखनी ही तलवारी पेक्षा श्रेष्ठ आहे.)
*41. He who moves not forward goes backward.* (जे पुढे जात नाही ते मागे ढकलले जातात.)
*42. If you act to be happy, you will be happy.* (जर तुम्ही आनंदी असण्याचा देखावा केला तर तुम्ही नक्कीच आनंदी व्हाल.)
*43. A positive attitude can overcome a negative situation.* (सकारात्मक दृष्टीकोनाने नकारात्मक परिस्थितीवर मात करू शकते.)
*44. The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.* (शिक्षणाची मुळे कडू असली तरी फळ गोड असते.)
*45. Hard times are the moments of reflection.* (कठीण परिस्थिती ही तुमच्यातील धैर्य/चिकाटी दाखवण्याची खरी वेळ आहे.)
*46. Your best teacher is your last mistake.* (तुमची झालेली चूक तुमचा खरा शिक्षक आहे.)
*47. I listened and I forgot, I watched and I remembered, I do and I understand.* (मी ऐकलो आणि विसरलो, मी पाहीले आणि माझ्या लक्षात राहले, मी करून पाहले आणी मला समजले.)
*48. Every success has a trails of failure behind it.* (प्रत्येक यशामागे अपयशाची मोठी शृंखला असते.)
*49. Be concern with action only not with its result.* (आपले कार्य करत रहा त्याच्या फळाचा विचार करू नका.)
*50. Every day may not be good but there is something in every day.* (प्रत्येक दिवस चांगला असेलच असे नाही परंतु प्रत्येक दिवसात काहीतरी चांगले असतेच.)
*51. The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay there.* (तुम्ही फक्त त्याच वेळी हरता जेव्हा तुम्ही खाली पडता आणि तिथेच थाबता.)
*52. Hope is the affirmation of positive thought.* (आशावाद हा सकारात्मक विचाराचे प्रतिक आहे.)
*53. The life without goal is life without meaning.* (ध्येयाविणा जीवन निरर्थक आहे.)
*54. It's not how long, but how well, we live.* (किती काळ जगला यापेक्षा किती चांगले जगलात याला महत्त्व आहे.)
*55. The darkest hour is before the dawn.* (कुट्ट अंधाराची वेळ सुर्योदया पुर्विची असते./अपयशाच्या कुट्ट अंधारानंतर यशाची पहाट होते.)
*56. The brave die once, cowards many times.* (शूर लोक एकदाच मरतात, भ्याड लोक प्रत्येक क्षणी मरत जगतात.)
*57. The great artist is simplifier.* (महान कारागीर हा काम सोपे करणारा असतो.)
*58. It is not work that kills but worry.* (कामापेक्षा कामाच्या चिंतेनेच माणूस जास्त मरतो.)
*59. None but the brave deserves the fair.* (शूर लोकच न्याय मिळवण्यास पात्र ठरतात.)
*60. Desire is the very essence of man.* (अभिलाषा/ईच्छा हाच मनुष्य जीवनाचा सार/तत्वगुण आहे.)
*61. Hearing brings wisdom, speaking repentance.* (ऐकल्यामुळे ज्ञान/बुद्धीमत्ता मिळते, बोलण्यामुळे पश्चाताप.)
*62. Prayer is the voice of faith.* (प्रार्थना ही श्रद्धेचा आवाज आहे./प्रार्थना म्हणजे आत्म्याचा  आवाज.)
*63. Whatever you cannot understand, you cannot possess.* (जो आप समझ नहीं सकते, वो आप कभी हासिल नहीं कर सकते.)
*64. United we stand, divided we fall.* (एकत्र असल्यास आपण प्रतिकार करू शकतो, वेगळे झाल्यास आपण नमविले जातो.)
*65. Character is simply a habit long continued.* (तुमच्या दीर्घ/चालत आलेल्या सवयींतून तुमचे चारित्र्य घडते.)
*66. True wealth is celebrating the present moment.* (आत्ताची वेळ साजरी करता येणे ही खरी संपत्ती आहे./आनंदी मन हा माणसाचा खरा खजिना आहे.)
*67. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.* (परिपक्व निष्क्रियतेपेक्षा, अपरिपक्व कृती कधीही चांगली./मणभर चर्चेपेक्षा कणभर आचरण चांगले.)
*68. Instead of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.* (परिस्थितीला दोष देत बसण्यापेक्षा परिस्थिती सुधारण्यासाठी पुढाकार घ्या.)
*69. Happines is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.* (आनंद हा तुमच्या मनात असतो, तुम्हाला मिळणाऱ्या गोष्टीत/सभोवतालच्या परिस्थितीत नसतो.)
*70. You only lose when you give up.* (तुम्ही तेव्हाच हरता जेव्हा तुम्ही सोडून देता.)


1. ‘To cost an arm and a leg’– something is very expensive.

“Fuel these days costs and arm and a leg.”

2. ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.

“The English test was a piece of cake.”

3. ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret.

“I let the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.”

4. ‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well.

“I’m really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.”

5. ‘To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once.

“By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also spend time with him.”


💢IDIOM 1: "bad-mouth"
-> MEANING: say bad things about someone
-> EXAMPLE: The football players are always bad-mouthing their coach.

💢IDIOM 2: "curl one's hair"
-> MEANING: shock, frighten, horrify
-> EXAMPLE: The movie is very realistic and many of the scenes will curl your hair.

💢IDIOM 3: "keep one's head"
-> MEANING: stay calm when there is trouble or danger
-> EXAMPLE: Everyone tried to keep their head during the fire at the hotel.

💢IDIOM 4: "pick the brains of"
-> MEANING: get ideas or information about something by asking an expert
-> EXAMPLE: We picked the brains of the official who was sent to talk about the pollution problem.

💢IDIOM 5: "keep one's chin up"
-> MEANING: be brave, be determined, face trouble with courage
-> EXAMPLE: My brother is trying to keep his chin up even though he has lost his job.

Important Fixed Preposition & Using the wrong preposition

1. Always use consist of, not from

Don’t say : A week consists from seven days.
Say :  A week consists of seven days.
2. Always use composed of, not  from

Don’t say : This room is composed from eighty people.
Say : This room is composed of eighty people.
3. Always use believe in, not to

Don’t say : We believe to God.
Say : We believe in God.

Note : To believe in means to have faith in To believe (without the in) means to regard something as true.
Like - I believe everything he says.

4. Always use get rid of, not from 

Don't say: I'll be glad to get rid from Neena. 
Say: I'll be glad to get rid of Neena.

5. Always use jealous of, not from 

Don't say: Shawn is very jealous from his friend.

Say: Shawn is very jealous of his friend.

6. Always use popular with, not among 

Don't say: Ronaldo is popular among his mates.
Say: Ronaldo is popular with his mates.

7. Always use satisfied with, not from 

Don't say: Are you satisfied from your results?
Say: Are you satisfied with your results? 

Note: ‘with’ is always used after - content, delighted, unhappy, happy, displeased, dissatisfied, disgusted.

8. Always use leave for a place, not to a place

Don't say: Mehjabin is leaving to Italy soon.
Say: Mehjabin is leaving for Italy soon.

9. Always use good at,  not in 

Don't say: I am good in English. 
Say: I am good at English.

Note : ‘at’ also used after bad, clever, quick, slow. But ‘in’ is used after ‘weak’
Example : My friend is weak in grammar

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

21. Cure of, not from.

✖️Don't say: The man was cured from his illness.

✔️Say: The man was cured of his illness.

Note: The noun cure takes for: There is no cure for that disease.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

22. Depend on or upon, not from.

✖️Don't say: It depends from her.

✔️Say: It depend on (or upon) her.

Note: Rely on or upon: I can't rely on (or upon) him.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

23. Deprive of, not from.

✖️Don't say: Nelson Mandela was deprived from his freedom.

✔️Say:  Nelson Mandela was deprived of his freedom.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

24. Die of an illness, not from an illness.

✖️Don't say: Many people have died from malaria.

✔️Say:  Many people have died of malaria.

Note: People die of illness, of hunger, of thirst, of or from wounds; from overwork; by violence, by the sword, by pestilence; in battle; for a cause; through neglect; on the scaffold; at the stake.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

25. Different from, not than.

✖️Don't say: My book is different than yours. 

✔️Say: My book is different from yours.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

26. Disappointed by, about or at, not from.

(a) by/at/about:
✖️Don't say: Philippa was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test.

✔️Say: Philippa was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test.

(b) with/in:
✖️Don't say: Jane was disappointed from her son.

✔️Say: Jane was disappointed with/in her son.

Note: Before a person we use “with” or “in”, before a thing we use “at”, “about” or “by” and before a gerund we use “at”: Keith is very disappointed at not winning the prize. We use “that” (optional before a new clause): I was disappointed (that) I didn't get an invitation.

➖Using the wrong preposition

27. Divide into parts, not in parts.

✖️Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts.

✔️Say: I divided the cake into four parts.

Note: A thing may be divided in half or in two: Paul divided the apple in half (or in two).

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

28. No doubt of or about, not for.

✖️Don't say: I've no doubt for his ability.

✔️Say: I've no doubt of (or about) his ability.

Note: Doubtful of: I am doubtful of his ability to pass.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

29. Dressed in, not with.

✖️Don't say: The woman was dressed with black.

✔️Say: The woman was dressed in black.

Note: The woman was in black is also correct.

➖Using the wrong preposition➖

30. Exception to, not of.

✖️Don't say: This is an exception of the rule.

✔️Say: This is an exception to the rule.

Note: We say “with the exception of ”: She liked all her subjects with the exception of physics.

Important words of Antonyms : 50 Words

1. Inevitable- Avoidable
2. Exceptional- Common
3. Permanent- Temporary
4. Dim- Luminous
5. Reckless- Careful6. Explicit- Ambiguous
7. Incredible- Believable
8. Repel- Attract
9. Rapidly- Slowly
10. Meticulous- Careless
11. Barbarous- Civilized
12. Successor- Predecessor
13. Urban- Rural
14. Conclusive- Indecisive
15. Terminate-Begin
16. Niggardly- Lavishly
17. Advanced- Receded
18. Enlightened- Ignorant
19. Moderate- Extreme
20. Superficial- Thorough
21. Scorn- Admiration
22. Trivial- Serious
23. Loquacious- Reserved
24. Confiscate- Release
25. Often- Rarely
26. Eminent- Notorious
27. Embark upon- Conclude
28. Diffidence- Boldness
29. Paucity- Plenty
30. Triggered- Choked
31. Fastidious- Adjustable
32. Grandiose- Simple
33. Bleak- Bright
34. Insolent- Humble
35. Lurid- Mild
36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious
37. Melodious- Tuneless
38. Contaminate- Purify
39. Frugal- Extravagant
40. Falling off- Improvement
41. Genial- Unkind
42. Shallow- Deep
43. Immune- Vulnerable
44. Veneration- Disrespect
45. Yield to- Resist
46. Concur- Disagree
47. Vague- Precise
48. Humility- Pride
49. Extol- Censure
50. Takes off- Lands


Magnate- मोठी व्यक्ती
Innate- जन्मजात
Proscribe- त्याग करणे
Ephemeral- क्षणभंगुर, तात्पुरते
Tacit-  शब्दात व्यक्त न केलेला,अल्पभाषी
Strife- भांडण, संघर्ष
Temerity- अविवेक,आडदांड सहशीपणा
Felicity- परमानंद,लेखनातील किंवा भाषणातील मोहकपणा
Elicit- काढून घेणे,बाहेर काढणे
Elusive- धुर्त, युक्तीने निसटणारा
Eminent-ख्यातनाम ,उच्च दर्जाचा
Lucid-  स्पष्ट ,सुबोध,चमकदार
Injunction- न्यायालयाचा हुकूम
Luminous- चमकदार, प्रकाशीत
Malleable- वितळून नरम होणारा
Iconoclast- परम्परा तोडणारा,व त्यावर हल्ला करणारा
Ideology- विचारधारा, विचारसरणी
Idiosyncrasy- विशेष लक्षण वयक्तीक लकब वागण्याची विशेष शैली
Idyllic- ग्रामीण ,सुंदर सोप्या वर्णनासंबधीचा
Ignominy- बदनामी ,नामुष्की, नाचक्की
Imminent- संकट ,मृत्यू इ. घडून येण्याची नाजीकची शक्यता
Decimate- समाप्त करणे
Opulent- कीमती,महत्वाचे
Decorous- योग्य सभ्य, शालीन
Deference- आदर, मान
Ponderous- कष्टदायक
Portent- इशारा, सूचना
Precept- धर्मादेश
Espouse- लग्न करणे
Infinitesimal- अति सूक्ष्म
Frugal- मितव्ययी, काटकसरी
Forgo- त्यागणे
Arable- कृषियोग्य
Maudlin- अतिभावुक
Erudite- ज्ञानी ,बुद्धिमान
Sacrosanct- अत्यंत पवित्र
Renounce- सोडणे, त्यागणे
Flagrant- सुस्पष्ट,ठळक
Foible- अवगुण ,स्वभावातील व्यंग
Desultory- अनियमित, विस्कळीत
Dilettante- कला वाङमय याचा अभ्यास करणारा परंतु त्याचे तितकेसे ज्ञान नसणारा
Fetter- बंधन , बेड्या घालणे
Prosaic- निरस ,रूक्ष
Euphemism- अप्रिय गोष्ट सौम्य शब्दात सांगणारा
Unconscionable- बेसुमार, गैरवाजवी
Turpitude- नीचपणा,दुष्टपणा
Trepidation- भीती,अस्वस्थता
Touchstone- कस, कसोटीचा दगड,एखाद्या गोष्टीचे गुणवत्ता मोजण्याचे साधन
Tirade- लांबलचक निंदात्मक भाषण
Urbane- सुसंस्कृत,सभ्य
Incessant- अविरत, अखंड
Imperial- शाही,साम्राटविषयचा
Chronic- दीर्घकालीन ,जुना ,तीव्र
Bucolic- ग्रामीण,गावंढळ, धनगराच्या जीवनविषयक
Usurp- बळकवणे (सत्ता वगैरे)
Utopia- काल्पनिक आदर्श राज्य किंवा समाज, सर्वसुखस्थान, नंदनवन
Venerate- आदर, किंवा पूज्य मानणे
Vacillate- द्विधा अवस्था होणे
Tantamount- समान,बरोबरीचा
Flout- अवहेलना
Covenant- करारनामा,
Loquacious- बोलघेवडा ,बडबड्या
Litigate- न्याय मागणे

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